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Mental Health Support

Prioritizing teen mental health is essential for promoting healthy development, improving academic and social outcomes, preventing long-term mental health problems, reducing the risk of suicide, and fostering overall well-being for adolescents and society as a whole.

Here are a handful of resources if you are or someone you know is struggling.

Read More about Mental Health Support
School Calendar

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Bell Schedule

Nederland Middle-Senior High School Bell Schedule

Panther Posts & News

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Parent/Student Campus Portal

With Infinite Campus, you can access grades, calendars, schedules, and fees, keep your Annual Update information current, and apply for the free and reduced lunch program.

RevTrak Payments and Fees

RevTrak is where you can pay payments for things such as student and athletics fees, field trips, meal accounts, 1:web, etc.

NMSHS Athletics

Get information on athletic fees, registration, games schedules, coaches, etc

Panther Parents

We are an organization that fosters positive interactions between parents, staff, administrators, and the community in order to enhance the school environment for our kids.

Nederland Panthers Facebook

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Donate to NMSHS

Donations allow our teachers to purchase additional supplies for their classrooms, and help Panther Parents provide monetary support to students for a variety of activities.  All donations are tax exempt (90-1256717)

NMSHS Calendar

District News

kids eating lunch

This month, BVSD continued efforts to monitor, evaluate, and respond to declining enrollment in the district. At a recent Board meeting, staff presented the Annual Trend Report which looks at enrollment at individual schools and whether action needs to be taken. Although enrollment continued to decline for the 2024-25 school year, losses were less than anticipated, and no new action was triggered for individual schools. The Board also got a preview of a new data visualization tool intended to make enrollment data more understandable and transparent.  The data dashboard will be particularly valuable as the Board moves forward with reviewing elementary school attendance boundaries and considers whether to make changes.

Read More about Enrollment numbers drop less than expected in 2024, but more schools move into low enrollment advisory status
hand washing

As you may have heard, this year’s flu season is worse than normal due to the large amount of flu, especially flu type A, circulating in our schools and community. Along with flu, our local health agencies are also reporting other illness increases in schools and childcare settings. While catching an illness in a school or work setting is sometimes unavoidable, there are a few simple things you can do to do your best to keep yourself and others healthy.

Read More about Not your average flu season, simple steps to protect yourself and others