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Middle School Athletics

24-25 MS Athletics Flyer


The middle school interscholastic athletic program provides​ a transition between middle level intramurals and the more competitive high school program. The program offers continued emphasis on participation and enjoyment of physical activity while allowing increased attention to coaching and skill development, with six to eight contests with other schools. Current physical and $100 fee required for participation.  


The intramural program provides an introduction to athletics with an emphasis on participation and enjoyment of physical activity while participating on a team. The program offers approximately three weeks to practice and learn, and may conclude with a culminating activity with other Boulder Valley intramural teams.  Intramural Sports are offered with no travel or outside competition. Current physical and $50 fee required for participation


Club sports provide an introduction to athletics with an emphasis on participation and enjoyment of physical activity while participation on a team. Clubs meet at NMSHS and do not include travel or district-wide competition.

Current physical is required for participation.