360 Leadership
high school
The High School 360 leaders at NMSHS are a group of wonderful student leaders who are interested in helping incoming freshman understand and feel comfortable in their new world of high school. We plan and implement orientation the day before school begins and help throughout the year. One of the great parts of NMSHS is the size, so our 360 leaders each choose approximately 3 9th graders with whom they share a class, sport or after school activity and they act as a mentor for them throughout the year. High school is a lot different than middle school and with the help of our awesome, dedicated 360 leaders, our 9th graders feel welcomed and have individual support with this important transition!
For questions please contact Lori Kinczel
middle LEVEL
BVSD 360 leaders are 8th grade students, who have been specially chosen and trained to mentor, motivate, and nurture incoming 6th grade students. 8th grade 360 leaders will train, organize, and carry out our 6th grade orientation day on the first day of school. They also are responsible for follow up mentor activities, and providing a student contact for new 6th graders. 360 leaders also participate in Back to School Night as tour guides and as an information resource for new parents entering the school community. Additionally, all 360 leaders are members of the ML Student Council, help organize Harvest Feast, design a Homecoming float, and plan a ML dance.
Information on how to apply to become a 360 leader next year will be disseminated to 7th grade students in the spring.
For questions please contact Judie Sievers