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Panther Parents (PTA)

Who We Are
Panther Parents

It is so important to stay involved with your child’s education and the happenings at school, and Panther Parents is a fun way to become engaged at NMSHS. We are a non-profit organization that was created for purposes of enhancing the school environment for our students and teachers. We strive to support and enrich the classroom inside and out through teacher grants, as well as to provide resources to make school events that otherwise wouldn’t be possible to create a more rewarding experience for our students, often involving their families and the surrounding communities.

Please join us in creating the best version of our school by supporting the Panther Parents!

We Are More Than Fundraising
  • We are liaisons between families, teachers and the school
  • We get to support fun activities and celebrations throughout the year for our kids
  • We enjoy getting creative to best serve our students, teachers and the school
  • We get to partner with and hear first-hand from teachers and school administrators

What Did We Do Last Year?

We boosted school spirit — we grilled and provided meals to students and the community during our Homecoming festivities; we organized and provided our annual Thanksgiving celebration; we hosted a Valentine's Day ice cream social for students and staff; we purchased hardware to decorate our fence with our name

We supported our Teachers — we honored and celebrated all of our amazing Nederland staff throughout the year and during Teacher Appreciation Week; we provided dinner during parent-teacher conferences; we paid for AP Certification training; we provided a grant to the principal to help with overhead costs

We supported our Students — we donated funds to After Prom; we funded guest speakers; we helped fund the Teens Inc Mentorship Program; we helped send Loquations to Carnegie Hall; we helped fund our school-wide ski day


All parents/guardians, teachers, staff and community members are welcome to attend Panther Parents meetings. However, becoming a member has advantages! First of all you get to have a say in what we do (ie, you get an official vote).

When you join Panther Parents, you are an automatic member of Colorado PTA and National PTA. There has always been a value to PTA membership - whether it’s getting the skills you need to be a better parent, to help your children succeed academically, to learn ways to improve communication with teachers, to speak out about public school needs in your own town, or to keep your neighborhood safe, you have benefited by being a member.​

Colorado PTA and National PTA are working hard to bring you and your PTA more member benefits than ever before. Now, through alliances and partnerships, Colorado PTA offers tangible benefits and discounts to members like you. Check them out!

Membership dues are $15 for the fiscal year (July 1-June 30). You can either make a check out to NMSHS PTA and bring it to the school office, or use the button below to pay with a credit card.

Join Panther Parents


Panther Parents meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of the month at 6pm in the NMSHS library. If an in-person meeting is not feasible (ie, due to inclement weather), a Google Meet link will be provided.



Ways To Help & Participate

Contact Us
2024-25 NMSHS PTA Board

     Jennifer McLaughlin, President
     Elsa Abookire, Vice-President
     Stacie Beaber, Secretary
     Kam Troy, Treasurer

Please consider making a financial donation to Panther Parents. Donations allow our teachers to purchase additional supplies for their classrooms, and help Panther Parents support school-wide initiatives such as Back to School Night, Teacher Appreciation, and Homecoming.  All donations are tax exempt (90-1256717)

Donate Today

Schedule of 2024/2025 meetings: 
Thurs, September 5, 2024 6pm
Thurs, October 3, 2024 6pm
Thurs, November 7, 2024 5pm *NOTE the time change
Thurs, December 5, 2024 6pm
Thurs, January 9 2025 6pm VIRTUAL
Thurs, February 6, 2025 6pm
Thurs, March 6, 2025 6pm
Thurs, April 3, 2025 6pm
Thurs, May 1, 2025 6pm

Staff Forms